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It was not enough for me to be a writer, a poet, I was looking for something more and I found myself, spontaneously, in the film through its creation. I wanted to express my feelings not only through writing, but also through a moving image. I wanted my words to come alive, both nature and people from my verses and prose.
The challenge is to be an independent filmmaker, to decide everything on your own, without compromising the constructiveness of the idea and its implementation with means that bind and limit. In the chosen way, I can completely freely, unburdened, capture my uniqueness, myself, through my own perspective and effort. And all of this without money; what a venture! 

Nije mi bilo dovoljno biti pisac, pjesnik, tražila sam nešto više i spontano sam se našla u filmu kroz njegovo stvaranje. Željela sam izraziti svoje osjećaje ne samo kroz pisanje, već i kroz pokretnu sliku. Htjela sam da moje riječi ožive, i priroda i ljudi iz mojih stihova i proze.
Izazov je biti neovisan filmaš, o svemu odlučivati sam, ne ugrožavajući konstruktivnost ideje i njezinu provedbu sredstvima koja obvezuju i ograničavaju. Na odabrani način mogu potpuno slobodno, neopterećeno, uhvatiti svoju jedinstvenost, sebe, kroz vlastitu perspektivu i trud. I sve to bez novca. Kakav pothvat! 

© 2013 Stanka Gjuric



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